
"I worked with Shona for six months. During this time, she guided me through fear to the edges of my comfort zone. She led me back to my heart and helped me discover that uncertainty coexists with possibility. As a result of our work together, I found the courage to create the change I desired; I let go of a job and relationship that no longer served me. I’m positioned to create a life that truly aligns with my essence and purpose. Thank you, Shona, for the life changing guidance and support."

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ShonaRobert ConlinComment

“Shona came highly recommended as a Life Coach and after working with her for some time, I now know exactly why. In the short time I’ve been working with her, I’ve come to know things about myself that I never knew before. I’m grateful for her assistance in helping me identify behaviors and habits that have become roadblocks in my life. Working with her, I've been able to move these out of the way, and set myself up for a more open and successful future.

She has such a soft, caring and compassionate approach.  She is confident, full of amazing insight, and has a loving energy that is completely contagious.  Our sessions together are always filled with humor and laughter, which helps keep things light even though we touch on some very significant life situations.

I highly recommend Shona. Anyone who gets to know and work with her will come to know how truly beautiful they themselves are in this world."

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ShonaRobert ConlinComment

"Life coaching is different. Life coaching is, at its core, EMPOWERMENT. In the last 3 months, my weekly sessions with Shona have taught me more about who I am, than 18-years of therapy ever did. It has allowed me to focus on who I am NOW (while still understanding and recognizing how my past has shaped me) and who I WANT TO BE in the future.

After 3 months of life coaching, I feel empowered for the first time in my life. The debilitating and relationship-damaging anxiety that I have suffered with my whole life is now manageable and almost non-existent. I no longer react to stressful work situations with fear and anxiety. I am learning to trust the people who are closest to me. I have better relationships with my family, husband, and most importantly, with myself. I have perspective. I have changed. I am empowered."

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ShonaRobert ConlinComment
Matt Maxwell

“Bob has made a tremendous difference in my life. He brings so much insight, wisdom, and heart to each coaching session. Coaching with him has opened an amazing new range of possibilities in my career, relationships, and overall enjoyment of life.  I mean this earnestly: the rest of my life I will benefit from the transformation I’ve experienced working with him. If you’re on the fence: get off!”

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 Mary Beth Donovan

“I’ve worked with Bob for eight weeks. Incredible and powerful learnings in such a short time, I cannot imagine what 12 months will do. I’ve had to take a short hiatus and I can’t wait to start again! Bob Is very insightful, caring and trusting.  He listens ever so intently and provides enough guidance and direction allowing you to see what’s right in front of you…. good, bad and ugly. I can honestly say stepping out of your comfort zone is one of the most powerful things you can do.  Bob is your parachute, don’t worry go for it.”

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Kendrick Greenawalt

“When I began working with Robert my mind and heart was twisted in many different directions as I struggled with some serious potential life changes. With his help, I began to untangle that mess and begin navigating a path to happiness. Although my journey is not complete, Robert has helped to fashion the tools necessary for me to achieve that very thing…true happiness.”

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Leila Molahan

“For the past 7 months, I have worked with Bob as my life coach. He has helped me recognize truths, skills and strengths about myself that I never thought I had. He has also helped to nudge me out of my comfort zone where all growth lies. As a result, I have been on an amazing and powerful journey of self-discovery, possibility and accomplishments. I can not put into words how much these past few months of coaching has helped me to shine from the inside out. And I can’t encourage others enough to try this journey too.”

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Cory Boyles

“Bob helped me through some of the craziest times in my life. He helped me to see my true value and potential in all areas of my life. He was able to get into areas of my brain that I wouldn’t otherwise have known were there. He always approached me with love and kindness. I could feel his care and love in every conversation we had. He has great intuition and I believe he can help anybody with where they are trying to go. Bob was very real in his approach to me, but also gave me space to fill certain rolls when all I needed was a buddy to bounce ideas off of. I highly suggest a conversation with this man!”

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Chris MacArthur

“Bob has provided such clarity, guidance, and insight along my journey. Many of us don’t really understand our potential and hearts desire. He has a way of pulling that out of you in such a caring and loving way. By no means is the journey without hardship and work, but the discovery process is beyond rewarding.”

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